Sugar Free Buttermilk Pancakes

Every Sunday morning, my husband will cook me pancakes for breakfast. My husband makes the pancakes using a simple recipe and does not add sugar. The only sugary item that is added to the pancakes is maple syrup. Despite having no sugar in the pancakes, I still think that the pancakes taste great.

My husband likes to occasionally add spices such as nutmeg or cinnamon.


Sugar Free Cupcake recipe

1 cup of high fibre  self raising flour (we use the brand The Healthy Baker)

1 cup of cultured buttermilk (we use the brand Paul’s Cultured Buttermilk)

1 egg

Mix the ingredients together and then cook the pancakes.

We also have the best thing for cooking pancakes. We have a Breville Pancake Creations machine. This machine enables you to cook the pancakes easily and without using a lot of butter oil.


Happy pancake making!


Hello Again

Sorry for my long absence from my blog, I have been quite busy. In great news, I am pregnant! I am currently four months pregnant. It is a very exciting time for my husband and I.

Being pregnant has so far being an interesting journey. My food habits have changed and for some reason I do not seem to be able to stomach chocolate, macarons or cake. Disaster right?

Nevertheless, I will not quit my sweets addiction and will try to find something sweet that I can stomach.

xo Ness