
I have a few items that I really dislike baking and pavlova is one of them. Making pavlova scares me because it always looks so complicated, I felt inspired to make one after finding a recipe by Adam Liaw.

The last time I made a pavlova it went quite brown and it was quite flat, I felt so deflated after that, so I decided to give up. Then one day I saw a Instagram post from Adam Liaw promising that his recipe will help make the perfect pavlova, so I decided to be brave and give it a go.

After reading the recipe it seems that the main reason that my pavlova might have failed is the fact that I did not mix the egg whites/sugar long enough and that my oven was too hot. This time around I followed those steps carefully and thankfully my pavlova looked much nicer.

For the garnishing I put mango, whipped cream and shredded coconut. I was so proud of my pavlova, look how high and white it looks. 😍

The pavlova tasted really nice and the additions of mangoes instead of the usual strawberries was a nice change. I might have put the same garnishes as Adam’s if I had the ingredients.

Looks like I might be making a pavlova again soon, I’m crossing it off my baking nemesis list.

Adam Liaw’s recipe:


Happy new year!

Happy new year lovelies!

I cannot believe it is already 2018, 2017 flew by so fast. What a year.

Thank you to my followers who have liked my Instagram posts on @dessertaddictsanonymous 27,000+ times, I am so overwhelmed with the love. Please check out my Instagram if you have not done so already.

2017 was a fun year in baking for me, I got to experiment with so many new techniques and my obsession for baking grew stronger. Here are my favourites for 2017-

I am hoping that I can continue to bake and to one day hopefully do a class so that I can improve my skills.

I promise to blog more this year too, I have not really had the chance to sit down and write. (Mum life)

Anyway, I you all have a fabulous year! Keep on baking.


