
When I went to America, I fell in love with snickerdoodles, I ate them nearly everyday, I tried looking for them when I got back to Australia, but I never found any that tasted as good. Thankfully the internet has so many awesome recipes for making snickerdoodles. 

I was feeling too cold and lazy, I googled the easiest snickerdoodle recipe that I could find. The recipe I found online was by, their recipe had a high rating and it looked really easy follow. 

I did a few tweaks to the recipe, I put more cinnamon than sugar in my cinnamon/sugar mixture. The recipe required 1 cup of butter, I ended up using one 250 grams block of unsalted butter that I had melted in the microwave. For the dough, I rolled it in the cinnamon sugar and then rolled it neatly into a ball with my hands.

The snickerdoodles only took 10 minutes to bake.

I ended up allowing the snickerdoodles to cool on the baking tray, this meant that the snickerdoodles had a crispy edge and a soft centre. 

The snickerdoodles tasted so good, whilst eating one, I was reminded of the snickerdoodles that I ate whilst in America. 

I definitely recommend you try this recipe if you love snickerdoodles, they’re easy to make and they taste A-M-A-Z-I-N-G! 

Snickerdoodles recipe can be located on this website Snickerdoodles

Vanilla and sour cream cupcakes 

When I go to the supermarket, my bad habit is buying so many different things to use for baking because I have grand plans to bake something fabulous with it and then weeks later I forget about it. Yesterday I looked in my fridge and realised that I had forgotten to use the sour cream and it was due to expire next week, so I decided to find a recipe that I can use it in, I finally settled on a cupcake recipe because it looked easy. 

This recipe for vanilla and sour cream cupcakes was perfect for me, because it only required one bowl and I didn’t have the energy to make anything too complicated. When making the cupcakes, it was the first time in a long time that I had to use my hand mixer to mix the batter. 

The cupcakes were baked in only 17 minutes and they looked so golden brown and delicious. For the icing, I decided that I would use my usual buttercream recipe and make a two toned icing. 

The cupcakes tasted really good, I was so relieved that it tasted so moist and buttery because I can never can tell how well a new recipe will turn out and it kind of makes me feel nervous.

Maybe “accidentally” buying too many ingredients for baking is a good thing because it encourages me to explore different recipes.

 I’m super excited to be adding a new cupcake recipe to my list of favourites. 

The recipe for these cupcakes can be found here- Vanilla and sour cream cupcakes 

*note: I added a touch of vanilla bean paste to the recipe