My baking adventures

It only occurred to me today that I haven’t blogged in a while, I guess I’ve been so busy wrangling my 2yo who is one active little kid. Despite the lack of time, I have however found time to bake, definitely still my favourite hobby. My newest obsession lately is making drip cakes, I just love creating new designs, I usually have these random ideas in my sleep or from other baking bloggers. 

Here are some examples: 

The one thing that I’ve discovered with baking is that you don’t need to stress out by doing so many complicated steps or taking hours to make a delicious dessert, a lot of the time you can bake something with little hard effort and it will still look and taste amazing. I always believe that a lot of the time you’ll need to try something new and keep trying if it doesn’t work out.  I guess that’s my philosophy with baking, I like to keep the process simple, but still to create beautiful results. I don’t have time being a mum to do complicated recipes. 

Anyway, I hope that some of the recipes on my blog have inspired you to not use packet mix and to realise your baking potential. 

Check out my Instagram account: dessertaddictsanonymous for more baking inspiration.