Anzac Biscuit Inspired Muesli

I have been looking for the perfect muesli for a very long time and so far I have not found the one. I did find one nice brand of muesli, but the price was just expensive. I decided that I would try to make my own.

I find it is so hard to find a brand of muesli or cereal that I like, this is mainly because I am so fussy and I dislike dried fruit in my muesli or cereal. Most cereal brands that I have tried are too sweet or taste like cardnoard and I have tried nearly every brand in the supermarket. The other problem I find with most muesli or cereal is the price, I cannot justify paying $10 for cereal or muesli.

Last week I decided to Google a recipe for muesli and I stumbled upon this super easy recipe for Anzac biscuit inspired muesli. I will admit that the recipe caught my eye because it was called “Anzac biscuit inspired” and I love Anzac biscuits.

The muesli was so easy to make, that I wondered why I never thought of this idea ages ago. The muesli only required a few easy steps and a few simple ingredients and the result is a lovely batch of delicious muesli. The smell of the freshly baked muesli was so intoxicating,

When the muesli was ready, I had a taste and I was totally amazed at how great the muesli tasted. The muesli actually tasted like an Anzac biscuit, but it seemed like I was eating something healthy. I discovered that the muesli tastes best with yoghurt or with nothing on it.


I am so happy that I have finally found a muesli that I like, breakfast will never be the same again!

The recipe for the Anzac biscuit inspired muesli can be found on this website: